the best natural ways to add shine to your hair

The Best Natural Ways to Add Shine to Your Hair

Check Out These Natural Ways to Add Shine To Your Hair.

Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

Whether your hair is long, short, straight, or curly having shiny tresses is something every woman wants.

Some may think that having glossy hair is something that you inherit or that is in your genetics. But you will be excited to know that no matter what hair type you have if you put in the right work and products you will see amazing results. The more research that I do I begin to realize that spending a ton of money on products is not the key to attaining healthy shiny hair. Instead, try to establish a consistent hair routine.

Along with a great routine try utilizing natural ingredients that are affordable and proven to help your curls. Another plus side of using natural ingredients is that most of the time they are probably already in your kitchen cabinet.

We also want you to know that these tips help improve the health and sheen of permed, natural, or damaged hair. Remember before you start looking for ways to increase shine you must adjust the overall condition of your locks. So, if you want new ways to get shiny hair without leaving the house, you came to the right place.

And even if more polished tresses are something that never came to mind before you'll still find this blog post very helpful. Without further ado here are the best natural ways to add shine to your hair.


Using Hair Oil

Coconut oil is probably the most popular ingredient in any hair care product, and that is for a good reason.

This oil is vibrant and has properties in it that make it excellent for moisturizing the scalp, thus adding sheen to your locks. Scientist says that it is one of the most penetrative oil's, making it able to seep deep down into the hair shaft.

No matter which way you decide to use oils remembers that you can utilize them in different ways. For example, try doing a hot oil treatment with coconut oil, or use Jamaican Castor oil as a deep conditioner. Another favorite way to add shine to your hair is to use it as an oil rinse. Oil rinses are very quick but help keep your hair conditioned for more extended periods of time.

Using the right oil on your tresses will help smooth down the hair cuticle. A soft follicle will prevent moisture and protein loss by creating a protective barrier around your follicles.

Most of us have coconut oil laying around the house, but if you don't, you can also find it in your local farmers market. Other oils we can't forget about mentioning are tea tree and lavender oil. The moral of the story is that these products will coat your hair without weighing it down. In the process, it keeps your locks unharmed by the sun and with a smooth, shiny finish.

So, if you're on the search for shinier hair purchasing the oils on this list should be your first step.


Know Your Wash Days

Of course, it comes to no surprise that to maintain the healthy hair you must wash and keep it clean.

Sometimes depending on the hair color, you have you'll either wash more frequently or less to attain shiny hair. If you have lighter hair color, this means your strands are very porous. Porous locks imply dirt builds up quickly, so your strands are shiniest right after a wash day.

This knowledge does not mean you have to wash your hair every day, because you could lose shine that way. It just says the cleaner you keep your curls the glossier it will appear.

Now, for my darker hair ladies that implies any shade from jet black to brunette your strands are the most lustrous with third day washed hair. You can still opt for a dry Shampoo or a nice deep conditioning routine to keep your curls feeling clean. It's quite astonishing to think that depending on the color of your strands and the time that you wash them will determine their shine factor.

So, if you're someone who used to try every product on the shelf, you may want to switch up your wash days. Your path to shinier hair could be closer than you think.


Take Vitamin Capsules

If you want to have shinier hair, you must nourish and feed your scalp.

Vitamins are a long-time method of keeping not only your body healthy but your tresses. Plenty of women like to break open vitamin E capsules and rub the gel directly onto the here. Most stylists say that this method works because the antioxidant increases circulation which then stimulates growth and shine. There are also some beauty supply stores and drug stores that carry a vitamin E serum for easier application.

Another great capsule many people use for shinier hair is fish oil. This product is full of omega-3 fatty acids that help nourish the hair follicle. You can swallow 1 to 2 pills a day or break apart and apply oil directly to your scalp.

The number one reason why hair tends to lackluster and shine is that it is undernourished. Undernourished hair is more likely to damage and break off, and this will make the journey to healthier hair a little bit harder.

Unfortunately, a lot of people pass on using fish oil because of its odor, but certain brands sell odorless fish oil. You will only need to use this product once a week, and by the second week, you will start noticing soft and glossier hair.

With all the benefits of taking vitamins can give you, why not use them to help you achieve strands with a little more sheen?


Use the Right Brush

For any of those out there who are Brady Bunch fans, you may recall Marcia Brady says brushing your hair 100 times before bed will improve its shine.

Well, that phrase isn't all the way incorrect, it's doesn't depend on the number of times you brush but on the brush itself. Using the wrong products while styling your locks will inevitably lead to damage and lack of luster on your tresses.

Excessively combing with nylon bristles will lead to an increased amount of breakage on your end. The best brush to purchase is the ones that use natural bristles. This product will help distribute the oils in the hair all over increasing and achieving a glossier look. Brushing your hair longer won't enhance its shine anymore, but overly combing can and will lead to damage.

Dry combing can be painful on your curls and tear off any dry ends. Stay away from any plastic hair tool. So, know that if you're looking for a natural shine without the use of any oils invest in the right hair brush.


Wash Hair with Apple Cider Vinegar

Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar is a trendy way to increase shine.

ACV helps remove the buildup of old products and dirt on the scalp, and in the process gives you soft and glossy strands. The acidity of this product helps balance the pH of your scalp. This process can help undo the effects of harsh shampoos and other products.

The main reason this product is so helpful is that it detangles your hair and closes the cuticle. When you close the follicles up, this makes the light more reflective on your strands which gives you a shiny finish. We promise after you use this product you will see your curls come back to life. You will also notice your hair has more volume, less shedding, and overall more shine.

The best way to make this product into a rinse is by taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and adding them into 2 cups of water. You want the mixture to be a little diluted since ACV can be very potent.

You want to try this rinse about once a month, any more than that can dry out your curls. The process of adding the ACV mixture to your hair can be messy. Try adding the solution into a spray bottle and use rubber gloves to massage it into the scalp and all throughout the strands.

The smell might be hard to pass, but once you use this at home product, you will love the shine it brings to your hair.


Doing Yoga for Shiny Hair

Hey, I know this might seem out of the world but bear with me for a second.

Hair experts say that doing yoga cannot only increase hair growth but also, it's shine. There are tons of yoga exercises that you can try at home that will promote long and luscious curls.

These exercises help maintain the health of your body and mane by controlling your stress, relaxing the body, and improving the overall blood circulation around the scalp. But hair yoga does not just consist of the exercises it is a practice of a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, eating your meals on time and spending alone time with yourself.

Hairstylist and specialist Jawed Habib say simple acts of smiling and maintaining happiness can contribute to thicker, longer and healthier hair. I know you may think this practice is a little weird but it's worth a try. You have nothing to lose with trying this method, and if anything, you'll at least be a bit more relaxed.

If you know anyone who practices hair yoga or if you practice it yourself give us some pointers on if this technique works.


Eating Healthy

Finally, the best way to achieve and maintain a shiny head of hair is by eating healthy.

Fruit should be an essential part of your diet, and it contains plenty of vitamins and minerals that strengthen your strands. The best fruits to try are avocados, bananas, apples, and papayas. Of course, all fruits will help, but these main four are ideal for improving the health of your locks.

Nuts is another food that you should add to your diet immediately. Peanuts are a rich source of fatty acid and contain minerals like zinc. On top of the natural benefits, they give they are also a healthy snack option for anyone trying to lose weight and eat healthier. If you are looking for hair that shines all day long stock up on a few almonds and pistachios and you're good to go.

Remember we can't forget about our vegetables but mainly the ones that are dark green. Kale, spinach, and broccoli are three great vegetables that should be a part of your regular diet. Green vegetables are full of omega-3 acids and protein.

Not to mention full of minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium which keep your scalp well nourished. So, if you want to see a significant change in your hair luster, it all starts with the things you eat.


How Do You Add Shine to Your Hair?

Everyone wants tresses that will beam and glisten once it hits the light.

As you can see attaining shiny hair isn't impossible to achieve. No matter your length or texture if you follow these tips in this post you will notice a shinier difference. We have a few tips for you to remember. First, if you have thin hair, don't weigh them down with heavy serums.

Second, unless you're using a heat protectant don't add excessive oil before straightening your hair. This process could cook and damage your locks. Lastly, there is a difference between shiny and greasy curls. So, make sure to stay away from applying finishing products too close to your scalp, this will give a greasy effect.

Remember that having shiny curls is just an added feature of having healthy locks. So, make sure you are taking good care of your scalp, and you will reap all the positive benefits. I hope all these tips were beneficial and that you learn something new about maintaining healthy glossier hair.

We want to know how you add shine to your hair. Tell us all about your tips in the comment section down below.

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