the reason why all beauty products don't do clinical testing

The Reason Why All Beauty Products Don't Do Clinical Testing

What Is Clinical Testing?

Clinical testing refers to a series of tests ran on the active ingredients in makeup, medicine, or supplements. As well as the reaction in humans and the effectiveness of the mixture. Testing is for safety and efficiency. Clinical examination can be done on a variety of products and looks differently for products. Even if they are in the same field such as differing tests for beauty products like lipstick, mascara or concealer.

Why Do Beauty Products Undergo Clinical Testing?

Products use clinical testing to perfect their formulas, gain opinions on the effectiveness and insight on potential adjustments before the launch of a product. Companies use clinical testing to lend credibility to their product. Some people find comfort in knowing that they aren't guinea pigs for a new beauty product. Especially when it first hits the shelves and that they can trust they will gain the desired result. Similarly, mainstream companies utilize product testing, clinical trials and ongoing tests to combat lawsuits and mishaps once their products gain popularity. These companies can list possible side effects, as well as the best conditions under which to use their product. The results of the testings are used to explain the outcome that the majority has had and highlight oddities in reactions allergic or otherwise to their product.

Do All 'Clinically Tested' Products Hold Weight?

Contrary to belief, cosmetic or beauty products being labeled 'clinically tested' does not lend credibility to their success, or back their branding. If a product says that it is 'clinically tested' it's referring to it's testing but does not mean that it is effective, safe or useful to the buyer. Only products that boast 'clinically proven' have published their results. And they stand by a positive, and noticeable outcome for the consumer. Technically, it is not a false advertisement but a coy branding move. Ultimately, being clinically tested and doing nothing to make the results public, or changing the formula means that the test does not amount to much in the interest of the consumer. Thus, some products skip clinical testing altogether.

Why Do Some Products Skip Clinical Testing?

For companies, clinical testing costs money. These companies have to provide samples to people they've recruited to try the products as well as sample packaging, and compensate individuals for their time and reviews. Then, companies have to repeat these trials or bouts of testing multiple times to be able to lawfully and rightfully say that their products have been 'clinically proven' to perform a task. For some companies, testing and reconfiguring is too expensive, and if not required by law or regulated by the state, an often skipped step. Additionally, some products do undergo testing, but if their results are unflattering and unfavorable for their advertising needs, they will not announce their testing process.

Clinical Testing Facts vs. Myths (or Assumptions)

Myths (Assumptions)

Myth #1

All Clinically Tested Items Are Safe

Myth #2

Items that are Clinically Tested will produce better results

Myth #3

All beauty companies test and correct their product before sale based on their testing results and data

Myth #4

If a product says 'Clinically Tested' it is a better product to use


Fact #1

Clinically tested items can be just as dangerous as things that have not tested. The proof of safety for beauty products is in the ingredients and side effects not in the clinical testing stamp.

Fact #2

Clinically tested items that have good ingredients or altered will produce good results. However, it is too much of a generalization to assume that any clinically tested item is better than things that haven't undergone clinical testing. Because every person will have a different experience and the experiment itself based on the formula for the product. With the results being ignored or based on the results of the majority.

Fact #2

While many beauty companies will test their products with trials and formula tests; this does not ensure that they have undergone 'quality control.' And will fix the inherent issues with their product. An example is those inexpensive charcoal peels in stores like Walmart and Target. While these peels will make your skin appear smoother, and provide a satisfying peel they can often cause peeling or redness on the surface and harden too quickly. A complaint that's been seen across the board. However, there has been no formula change.

Fact #3

An item labeled as clinically tested or clinically proven means that it has undergone testing and has significant data to claim its product. Which could be essentially true and backed by data. However, they exclude the information about the 'cleansing beads' being abrasive to the skin and possibly causing craters and scarring. Considreing this was not the overall intent of their testing. And their product does clear the face, even if it leaves its users with a weakened skin! Consequently, the stamp of clinically proven or clinically tested does not translate to a product being safer or more effective.

So What Do I Keep Off Of My Beauty Shelf?

Now that the clinical testing myths debunked, how do consumers know what to keep off of their skin and away from their lips? The sad part is, you don't! The best way to shop is to make smart decisions for your beauty goals (aesthetics or medical) based on ingredients, reviews, and your body sensitivity. Choosing products is a personal process and is mainly based on trial, error and Youtube reviews!

No Need To Have Fear of Clinical Testing!

It can be disheartening to realize that a big part of your beauty products decision-making process has thinly veiled lines of truth and safety. But this experience doesn't have to be all bad, think of it as medicine. The FDA approves medications, and they get the job done, but they still may have side effects or not work well with other drugs. Additionally, some vitamin supplements may not be FDA approved at all, but they have given you stronger nails or hair. The point here is that there is not a magical stamp that proves a product is inherently 100 percent safe and effective. So, using your own set of criteria to judge a product is what's best.
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