6 tips for choosing the right cosmetology school for your future

6 Tips for Choosing the Right Cosmetology School for Your Future

Cosmetology School for Beginners

Let me guess; you’re probably thinking about going to cosmetology school and don’t know where to start. There are so many options available, and you may be having a hard time deciding the best one for you. Girl, trust me, you’re not alone! Picking the right wig to wear is hard enough for me. I can only imagine how choosing the best school may be challenging for you. Don’t worry about a thing because everything will be just fine! Sit back, relax, and grab your notepad because I’m going to give you six tips that will make choosing the perfect beauty school a breeze!

Six Tip Guide


Before choosing any school, check to see if it is accredited. A school that is accredited means that the school’s curriculum has been approved and covers all of the material needed to pass the state board exam. Accreditation makes an institution more credible and helps schools to be recognized by employers nationwide. Attending a cosmetology school that is not accredited is almost like going to college for four years without receiving a degree.

Did you know:

• Schools that are not accredited does not offer federal financial aid • Most states require you to graduate from an accredited cosmetology school before you can sit for the licensing exam • Those who attend accredited cosmetology school land better jobs • Students who attend accredited institutions receive a more quality education • If you attend an accredited institutions can receive more hands-on training. Choosing a school that is accredited is vital to your journey in becoming a professional cosmetologist (Check out this article: pros and cons of being a cosmetologist). Whatever school you pick, make sure it is one that is accredited!

Develop a checklist

It is helpful to know what you are looking for before selecting a school. Make a list of your top priorities and arrange them from most significant to least importance. Would you prefer a school that is heavy on job placement or one that is near home and easily accessible? Would you prefer an institution that is more affordable or one that offers hands-on training in your area of interest? I find that this step is beneficial because it saves time that you can spend on other things such as touring the campus or gathering financial aid. It also helps you to know what you are looking for and not be indecisive when it’s time to choose a school. Knowing what you value the most will help narrow your search and make the process a lot smoother. What are some of the must-haves on your list?

Draw It Out

Have you ever seen a credit card ad that compares and contrast different cards and what they offer? Some may charge higher APR while others offer no APR interest for the first six months of your banking with them. Now, I’m no financial expert, but it helps me to better choose from my options when I can see them in front of me. Think of this step as each school and everything that it has in front of you on a chart. I find that this action helps me to see the pros and cons of my options with ease. Now, let’s see what each school is working with and what they could potentially offer you as a future student.

Here’s what you need to do:

#1 Make a chart with five rows and six columns #2 Write the name of each school in the first row and factors such as Special Programs, Location, Cost, and Hands-on Training in the first column. (Feel free to choose your categories or add more) #3 Highlight options that align with your checklist #4 Begin to narrow your list based on your observation

Schedule a tour

Reading information about a school online is good, but touring the campus in person is even better. Now that you’ve narrowed down your search, I highly recommend scheduling a tour of your top schools. Touring the campus will help you to get an idea of the environment, people, and classes. Visiting the campus will also grant you the opportunity to ask faculty, staff, and students about any questions that you may have. You will be able to see if the school is really “putting their money where their mouth is” Maybe you can sit through a live class or talk to instructors about the program that interests you. You can even chat with current students and ask them about their experience. If you want to get an actual feel for your future school, be sure to schedule a tour right away!

Ask for advice

Maybe going on those tours has helped you to narrow down your list even more and now you’re in your final two. Sometimes all we need to seal the deal is a second opinion. I encourage asking family, friends, or colleagues in the beauty industry for their advice on which school you should choose. Chances are, they were once in your shoes asking someone else the same thing that you’re asking them. Maybe you could ask them about their experience in cosmetology school or about some of the courses they took to help them get where they are. You could also ask their inspiration for choosing the school they went. Since they have been in your shoes before, their advice can be constructive in finalizing your decision to what school you will choose. Be sure to have a listening ear!

Go with your gut

After I’ve done everything that my logical mind can do, I just go with my gut. Okay, I know I’m not the only that has those “gut feelings." You know, the feeling that you feel when something is just meant to be. I encourage you to listen to your instinct and trust yourself, girl you got this! Out of all the tips mentioned, I believe this may be the most important. Advice from family and friends is helpful, but you know yourself more than anyone else. If you listen to what your instinct is telling you, you can’t go wrong!

Get Ready, Set, Learn!

It wasn't so hard, was it? Well, whatever school you choose, I am happy for you! Congratulations and cheers to being a step closer to your dream. What are some tips that you have for choosing the right cosmetology school? Leave them in the comments!
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You made a good point when you said that you can get an idea about the environment and classes of a cosmetology school when you consider touring it. This is something that I will share with my sister because she is interested in finding an esthetician school before the second quarter of 2024 ends. She wants to ensure that she will be provided with a quality education while ensuring her comfort, so your tips are helpful. https://www.eliseestheticsinstitute.com/altamonte-springs

Shammy Peterson

I’ve always wanted to open a salon of my own, so I plan to enroll in a beauty school soon to kickstart this dream career of mine. I’m thankful you reminded us to verify the accreditation of the school first before choosing one since we need to make sure that their curriculum has been approved and covers everything we need to pass the certification exam. I’ll be sure to ask about this first once I find a beauty school I might consider soon. https://allurebeautyschools.com/

Elina Brooks

My sister-in-law wants to go to cosmetology school and she is hoping to find the perfect one for her. I love how you suggest making a list of the top priorities you want in a school to save you time and money. I’ll have my sister0in-law create this list so I can help her narrow down her options for a great cosmetology school. http://aiskin.org/

Charlotte Fleet

You made an interesting point when you explained that it is a good idea to visit the campus in person when trying to choose a cosmetology school. My wife is wanting to go to beauty school so that she can eventually become a hairstylist and work at a salon. It might be a good idea for my wife to see how many teachers there are and see how big the classes are going to be. https://www.mitsusatohairacademy.com/academy

Thomas Clarence

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