fruit infused water benefits for your hair

Fruit Infused Water Benefits for Your Hair

Feeding Your Hair From The Inside Out

I’m sure you have heard people tell you how important it is to drink water, every day of your life. I know I sure have! I have listened to people say bad things would happen if you don’t drink water, also that it should be a certain amount, etc. The bottom line is, water is super beneficial for our overall health. Water helps with keeping our bodies hydrated, flushes toxins out and keeps us regulated. We all need those benefits! Not only is water needed for everyday living but if you want terrific flowing hair, its needed as well! For us to have healthy growing hair, it starts from the inside, out. Most of us give our hair products so much credit! Yes, using the best products will produce benefits for your hair, however, its more like the cherry on top! If you feed yourself junk all the time, don’t drink water, but use good hair products, your hair won’t be its best. Are you ready to start drinking more water to improve your hair journey? Well if you are, then I have an added benefit for you! Did you know fruit infused water is 50X better for you than just water by itself? We all should be eating fruit every day, so only by popping it inside of your water bottle, will boost the benefits that both fruit and water provide. Think of it as getting the best of both worlds! You can’t go wrong with water and fruit combined! Continue reading below as I go through my favorite fruit infused water combinations and discuss their benefits! Happy drinking! Tip: For the highest results, soak your fruit in water overnight, before drinking! Also, the amount of fruit you absorb doesn’t matter!

Basil and Strawberry

We’re just going to slide right past the fact that basil and strawberries taste amazing together! But did you know that water is beyond moisturizing for our hair along with strawberries? Strawberries have many antioxidants and folic acid, which helps prevent hair loss and keeps strands hydrated. It also has vitamin C, which promotes hair growth. No, basil doesn’t just make our drinks and food look pretty, but it’s also a healer! If you have damaged hair, the benefits from the leaf will help restore the follicles. Just like strawberries, basil also has tons of antioxidants! Both of these ingredients infused with water will be sure to make your hair flow and glow, as it should!

Cucumber and Lemon

If you’re looking for a sweet drink to quench your thirst because you need something refreshing, this is the one! Cucumber and lemon both have a long-running history of being two powerful components on the topic of healthiness. Although cucumbers don’t have a crazy amount of benefits, the most important is that it supports healthy hair. So, it doesn’t take away from anything, but keeps the minerals in your body and such, afloat! Now, lemons are high; however, they tend to alter the color of your hair, if its already lite. So, you may not want that if you aren’t trying to change your hair color. But drinking a cup of lemon water isn’t going to harm, it just might if you drink a lot. So for all my dark-haired chicks, drink away! Lemons are found to be strengthening as well. Having a moisturizer (water), supporter (cucumber) and strengthener (lemon) sound like a recipe for greatness in a hair journey!

Cinnamon and Apple

Can you smell that anyone? The smell of cinnamon and apple will be sure to brighten anybody’s mood! This fruit infused water combo is a good one! To keep your hair at its best, you need vitamins such as A, B, and C, which is all, packed inside of apples! An apple a day keeps the doctor away; this is still true even if its infused in your water! Not only can you do cinnamon masques on your hair each week but infusing it in your hair will do wonders. Cinnamon is a scalp stimulator! So if you ever find yourself with thinning hair or trying to regrow your edges, drink up!


Could this be any easier? Watermelon, of course, has water inside of it, of course! Soak a bunch of watermelon in your water overnight for whenever you want to feel refreshed and rejuvenated! Doesn’t that also sound like water? Well sure it does, because water provides that very same benefit. So just like water hydrates and moisturizes, so does watermelon. Now, you will get double the effect, but with a sweet taste! Watermelon also helps with getting the blood circulated, which will then promote hair growth and keep hair healthy.

Grapes and Lime

Drinking grape and lime infused water will ensure you are on the right path to healthy hair! Grapes are another fruit that has high antioxidants along with anti-inflammatory agents. This combo is significant because during the summer months you will experience significant benefits with this drink. Having an anti-inflammatory running through your system in the summer means sun protection! No, hair sunscreen was not the only cure for sun damage! As I mentioned earlier, to have and keep healthy hair, it must start from the inside out! Limes are just as good and also similar to lemons! But with limes, they will give your hair some shine! Nobody ever complained about a little shine on their strands!

Orange and Raspberries

Who would ever think oranges and raspberries would go together? Well, they do, and they make a great sweet drink that will leave you smiling and your hair strands happy! Do you suffer from dandruff? Well have no worries, oranges are to the rescue to solve that issue! Now, I do have to mention; the dandruff cure part is only a result that comes from the peel of the orange. That means, you can boil the skins and then filter out the liquid then pour into your water. Don’t be afraid to still use the infused oranges as well, with the juice from the peel. Soaked oranges will help stimulate hair growth too! Did I hear you say that you want to get rid of greys? Well, raspberries will have no problem helping to get rid of that issue! They also add shine to your hair along with preventing hair loss. Who would want a drink that will make grey hair disappear, cure dandruff and add shine? Shine me up!

Blueberries and Cucumber

As mentioned earlier, cucumbers support healthy hair, so combining that with blueberries, which has excellent benefits are only going to make your hair win! Blueberries are packed with vitamin A, C and E. A significant benefit of blueberries is that they will help your curls to pop while assisting in the hair growth department! Blueberries are also sweet so throwing in some cucumbers will be one of the best drinks I’m sure you have ever had!

Blackberry and Mint

Are you looking for a drink that helps with strengthening your hair strands? Well, blackberries and mint are what you need! While blackberries make the hair strands super strong, mint stimulates the scalp with promotes hair growth! A lot of times, the things we may eat are only making our hair weak. Not too mention some of the hair product we use as well makes it thin and brittle. There are also people who may have long hair but its not healthy. Soaking blackberries and mint overnight will provide significant benefits to your hair!

Hair Just Dragging on the Floor

Are you hungry for your fruit now? I know I am! But on a more serious note, with all of the benefits listed above for fruit infused water, you are only hurting yourself by not making it a part of your daily regimen. Fruit and water both are jammed packed with incredible benefits, and together they will do great things for your hair. As mentioned earlier, we give hair products far too much credit for how our hair turns out. The people who have healthy strong hair are those who know the importance of feeding your hair from the inside out. Meaning you must pump yourself with foods, such as fruit, that can only make a positive difference in our bodies. Fruit infused water is one of the best things you could do for your hair! I promise you; you won’t regret anything! Tip: But don't forget; even if you're someone who doesn't like drinking water, eating fruit by itself will still provide these significant benefits. Healthy hair can only start from the inside out, not the other way around. There are even recipes on the web of hair products that have fruit inside of them. So you can do a lot with fruit. Pump yourself with only the best foods so your hair can flourish and thank you for it later! Have you ever drunk fruit infused water? If so, what were some of the benefits you experienced? Let me know in the comment section below!
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