the best natural diy hair gels that are a hair win

The Best Natural DIY Hair Gels That Are A Hair Win!

Where To Start With DIY Hair Gels

There’s been news circulating about whether hair gel is healthy for hair, especially for those with curly and kinky hair. My hair is kinky, so I use hair gels a lot. I use it often, so it’s essential that I’m using a product that isn’t damaging to my hair. Hair gels can be used for a variety of things like slicking down baby hairs and pulling hair into an updo. It’s beneficial to have some hair gel around but what if you’re tired of using products that may be harmful to your hair? Whenever I feel like I need a product but don’t want to compromise, I make it myself. DIY hair gels are a great way to explore the option of making your hair products without breaking the bank. DIY is a great way to make some cool products with your twist. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone when making these hair gels. If you have frizzy hair, or hair that refuses to stay in place, a hair gel may be the solution for you. I’m going to give you some DIY natural hair gels that you can make in the comfort of your own home.

Which Hair Gels Should I Make?

There are plenty of different hair gels that you can create, but we’ve narrowed it down to three. When choosing a hair gel to create, you should take note of your hair type. Do you have fine, and straight hair? Do you have kinky or curly hair? Your hair type will ultimately determine what kind of gel you need to make. Overall, any type of gel can be beneficial, but you don’t want to make something that won’t hold your hair type. For me, I like to use a mix of flaxseed and chia seeds to make a fantastic gel. There’s also the great aloe vera gel that has more benefits than one. After trying out my first DIY hair gel, I fell in love with the process and the product. Also, the process is super easy, fun, and quick. It’s not messy at all and doesn’t require that you use a ton of ingredients. Each gel has a different benefit. Let’s get into how to make each one!

Flax Seed Hair Gel

Flaxseed is found in all kinds of foods from oatmeal to frozen waffles. Flaxseed has omega-3 essential fatty acid, which is considered “good” fat. It’s incredibly beneficial to the heart. It’s incredibly cheap and doesn’t cost much to be shipped. You can find it pretty much everywhere. It’s natural and can be stored for extended amounts of time. You can also freeze it so that you can keep it longer. When it comes to hair, the fatty acids in it help your hair stay moisturized and protected. It also strengthens your hair. Making a flax seed hair gel is simple. Here are some things you’ll need:
  • Water
  • Flaxseeds
  • A Pot
  • A pair of stockings
  • A jar with a lid
  • Any essential oils you like
After gathering all your items, you’re going to mix them in a pot full of water. Mix them until they come to a boil. Don’t let the seeds stick to the bottom of the pot because you want to make sure you use all the nutrients possible. After about five minutes of boiling, you should, just barely, see the gel start to form.

Remember This While Creating

The higher the heat is, the quicker it will thicken. You want to ensure that the consistency is just right. Nothing too pasty, and nothing too thin. After a foamy froth starts to rise, you’ll want to use a filter to drain the product and separate it from the seeds. Pour the content into a new or clean jar. After that, you can add your oils to give it a little twist. I like to add oils that will moisturize my hair and ensure that the gel will last. Vitamin E oil is excellent for that. When you’re done making your mixture, you’ll want to store it in the fridge to maintain the consistency.

Aloe Vera Hair Gel

Aloe vera is a succulent that can be found all over the world. It thrives in places such as Mexico, and South America, and it has been around for centuries. Allow vera contents anti-oxidants that help ease bacterial infections and inflammation! It’s an amazing resource that can be used for just about anything. The amazing thing about aloe vera gel is that there are no unusual ingredients needed to make a gel. You can use aloe vera directly from the source. However, the consistency of it won’t work as a standard hair gel. To make the consistency thicker, you can mix aloe vera with your flax seed gel. This will create a mixture that is consistent enough to be efficient and beneficial to your hair. Aloe vera will have your hair feeling soft, and moisturized. It also benefits your scalp but ridding it of inflammation, dirt, and bacteria. Whenever you think that you need a refresher, use some aloe vera gel to get yourself back in shape. Whenever my scalp condition starts to flare up, I add some aloe vera and go on about my day. By the end of the day, my hair is entirely back to normal.

Chia Seeds!

Chia seeds are considered a superfood. They’re easy to digest and extremely versatile. Chia seeds are grown initially in Mexico and are of high value. They are packed with nutrients that are beneficial to hair. Chia seeds also have omega-3 fats like flaxseeds. They have a protein that strengthens roots and minerals to increase growth. To make a chia seed gel, you will need the same products as the flaxseed recipe. In fact, the process is entirely the same. Just replace flax seeds with chia seeds, and you’re good to go!

DIY Hair Gels Is Fun!

There’s an added benefit when you’re doing your hair with products that you made on your own. DIY Hair gel is a fantastic way to save money while making a product that is beneficial to your hair. Also, don’t be afraid to add your twist to it. Have you made your hair gel? Let us know your experience by commenting below! We’d love to hear from you!
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