best instagram hairstyles

Best Instagram Hairstyles (Doing It For The Gram)

When it comes to Instagram, everyone is “doing it for the gram, ” and that doesn’t stop when it comes to hair. The hair game on Instagram is solid, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

Back in the day, we looked to print media for inspiration when it comes to hairstyles. Nowadays people look to social media to make that decision. Instagram is such a visual platform making it one of the go-to when looking for hairstyles.

The combination of photographic and video content allows you to see what the hair looks like and the way it moves. This is why hair videos do so well on Instagram because you can see what the hair looks like and how it moves before investing in it.

Instagram and Social media

Lace Frontal Wigs

Frontals are going viral everywhere lately! From Instagram to YouTube and the trend shows no signs of stopping down. I can honestly say that frontals are not only one of Instagram's best hairstyles but also the most popular types of hair content.

Many influencers and hairstylists are posting mini lace frontal install tutorials on Instagram that are garnering a lot of views. These videos are somewhat addictive. I catch myself watching them over and over again. When it comes to hair transformations seeing the process from start to finish gives me and others somewhat of a mental high.

Frontals, come in a variety of colors, textures, lengths, and styles, so it is not hard to find one that is just right for you. They can also be customized and colored. It is essential that when installing your frontal that you do it well to achieve the best and most realistic results.

Frontals give such a realistic hair look that they'll have everyone thinking that the hair is yours. The lace base makes it look like there's hair growing from your scalp. Whenever someone is wearing a frontal, I always have to zoom in on hair pictures just to make sure that I am not tripping. Even after multiple zooms and screenshots the hairline still looks realistic. The realism of lace frontal wigs is what makes them one of the best and most popular Instagram hairstyles.

Lace Frontal Wigs

Bold Colors

Bold hair is loud and exciting! When it comes to Instagram the bolder, the better. Bold colors are likely to grab the attention of your audience while they’re scrolling through their timeline. I mean who wouldn't stop to stare at something that catches their attention while scrolling through mundane photos.

Bold colored hair does well on Instagram especially when combining or using more than one color. Using more than one, or even up to four hair color is not uncommon. This leads me to another best Instagram hairstyle, unicorn hair.

Bold colored Hair

Unicorn Hair

Lately, everyone is obsessed with unicorns. The ancient old fairytale creature has made a comeback in the modern-day through hair. Pastel colors are go-to when aiming to achieve this look. Colors like pink, lavender, baby blue, and mint green are blended seamlessly to create unicorn hair.

Unicorn hair is seen commonly on the gram. The Fantasy Lights hairstyle is bound to grab your attention in garners many likes.

Unicorn hair color


The ombre hair trend has been in the game for a minute. At first many were dying their hair ombre but now you can find hair extensions that already come with the ombre look.

Black, brown, and blonde are usually the standard colors for ombre hair, but now you can find ombre hair bundles in bolder colors. Ombre bundles come in various colors, everything from red, blue, green, pink you name it! Many hair sites offer ombre bundles for special order. Selfies with this hairstyle come out fantastic if I must say so myself!

Ombre extensions


What used to seem like a 90s trend is now making a comeback. Braids are everywhere! Photos of girls with slicked edges and nice thick juicy cornrow braids are commonly seen on Instagram. Single braids and cornrow braids are both commonly worn on Instagram. Sometimes people go for a look with a lot of braids and other times you see girls rocking just two french braids.

A familiar braid style seen on Instagram are the lemonade braids made famous by the singer Beyonce from her Lemonade album. As soon as Queen Bey wore these braids, girls from all over the world started to get their hair braided in the same style as well.

The lemonade braids derive from the Fulani braids. Where we see lemonade braids as tiny cornrow braids all going to one side, Fulani braids are more versatile. Fulani braids can be braided up, down, and even front and back. The braided style is usually paired with beads for a tribal touch.

The Fulani are a nomadic tribe in West Africa that braid their hair in very distinctive braid styles. Many girls on Instagram have worn their hair this way rocking their hair just like the women of the Fulani tribe.

Braids are a classic hairstyle that will never go out of style. They are continually reinvented, and because of that they're always making their way back into the hair trends and now onto our Instagram feeds.

Lemonade braids

Extremely Long Bundles

Extremely long bundles are trending. Back in the day 30 inch and even 32-inch bundles used to cut it, but now people are going to extremes with their bundle lengths. I guess we can blame female rappers Nicki Minaj and Cardi B for this trend. Female rappers and influencers alike have been sporting long hair extensions on the gram.

Long quality hair bundles can be very hard to find which is why we offer 40-inch Vietnamese hair. Our Vietnamese hair is well known for being high quality and having a great thick texture. This hair is very durable and is excellent for achieving such a look.

Long quality hair bundles


Edges on fleek are one of the most popular Instagram captions when it comes to hair. It used to seem like a hair accessory but now edges, but they have become a hairstyle all on their own.

To achieve great edges, we highly recommend using edge control. You can use edge control to mold your edges into various styles whether it is with your natural hair or frontal wig.

Bomb edges will have you looking like a doll which may be the reason why they are so popular on the gram. They are the first thing I notice with every hair picture!

Sleek edges

Your Favorite Instagram Hairstyles

Which of these Instagram hairstyles do you see most on Instagram? We want to know, so leave a comment and let us know.
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Love everything hair &. Beauty .! 🤗

Jazmin Rodriguez

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