







Don't Do That with Your Human Hair Extensions

Mikey Moran

Did you know there are things you really shouldn't be doing when it comes to hair extensions?

Well, not that there's a rule book on do's and don't, but there are a few things that probably shouldn't get attempted if you want your extensions to last!

The average person can spend hundreds of dollars a year just on extensions, between purchasing the hair and having it installed.

That's a lot of money, and many people aren't even correctly taking care of them.

Also, hair extensions can last a very long time if you know how to maintain them. 💪🏿

Besides maintaining hair extensions, it's also important to keep your natural hair as well. Many people wear extensions and neglect their real hair entirely.

Shop Human Hair Bundles

Hair extensions are not a replacement for your natural hair. Have you ever thought about what would happen if hair extensions went extinct?

Although that's a far-fetched theory, anything is possible, which means you still should take care of your natural hair.

So, know your natural hair doesn't have to get damaged as long as you take care of your extensions.

Continue reading below to find out what you really shouldn't do with hair extensions.

hair washing chairs at the salon

Shouldn't Wash Weekly

Okay, I get it; the most common hair extension to buy is human hair; however, that doesn't mean it's as human as your real hair!

If you want to stretch out the full benefit of your hair extensions, you really shouldn't wash them weekly.

The issue with this is all of the constant wetness will eventually dry out your extensions.

Not only that, but your natural hair underneath will begin to frizz up. Most people rock braids under their extensions, so if the hair is always getting wet, the braids can loosen, causing everything to look a mess.

Now, you may be asking yourself, "If too much water contact isn't good, then how often should I wash my hair?"

Well, on average, washing once a month is good. That's pretty much the standard timeframe the ordinary person sticks to.

A month is a reasonable period not to touch your hair extensions and allow them to be unbothered.

However, sew-in hair extensions are treated differently than, say, clip-in extensions.

The significant difference between the two types of hair is that one can come out much more comfortably than the other.

For example, depending on your product build-up or the quality of the clip-in, you can merely unclip them from your hair and wash them.

It's much better to clean extensions when they aren't in your head.

So, the next time you have hair extensions installed, be aware of how often you wash them so they don't mess up too early.

scalp close up braided hair

Shouldn't Pull Tracks While Removing

Did you know the way you remove hair extensions could potentially damage your natural hair?

Too many people think that just because their extensions are old, they can pull them out. Sadly, that is the quickest way to damage your hair.

It's important to know that even though it is the last stage of the uninstall, you need to handle extensions with care.

Let's discuss a quick weave; typically, most will either have their tracks glued to their natural hair or a wig cap.

When it's time to have the hair extensions removed, some people will pull their tracks out and not worry about any potential damage.

However, this is not the best way to have them removed.

When it comes to using lace glue to install your tracks, the best way to remove it is to spray oil sheen throughout the scalp section.

The oil will quickly soften the track and glue to allow for an easy slip to remove. If you're someone who is removing a sew-in track, the best way is to have someone else remove it.

With this type of style, a thread bonds the track to the braid, so the thread has to be cut to remove it.

However, when people try to cut themselves, they discover it's easy to cut their hair!

The last thing anyone should want is to have their hair cut while removing extensions.

Remember that it's important to remove hair extensions carefully. The damage that can occur during the removal process is avoidable.

Kinky Curly Closure Wig Private Label Model Lifting Hair

Shouldn't Leave Them in for a Long Time

Okay, let us all gather around for this one.

We all know a few people who tend to leave their hair extensions in for a lot longer than they should.

Some believe they are just saving money, while others are just too lazy to do their hair.

Either way you view it, your hair extensions need to have an expiration date that you stick to.

The average amount of time a person should leave hair extensions is about 60 days. Anything past that timeframe becomes a danger zone!

It's important to know that your scalp needs to breathe and have a break.

A few years ago, there was a story that went viral with a woman who left her extensions in for a year. Yes, a year, like 12 months!

The hairstylist showed the removal process of that expired style and, to spare the details knew it was beyond nasty.

Over the course of that time, her scalp got affected, and her natural hair had to be cut out.

Now, I understand that hair extensions are typically expensive, but your overall health should always be a top priority.

Also, hair extensions last a lot longer than people think.

There are tons of articles on the Private Label Extension website that discuss how to take care of your extensions, how to refresh them, and how to do touch-ups in between breaks.

All of this important is to share with others how to have a better hair extension journey.

Private Label Model With Straight Hair Holding Bundles

Shouldn't Share Them

One thing you won't hear too often is people sharing their hair extensions.

Well, the reason you won't hear about it is that, of course, nobody wants others to know they are sharing it in the first place! It's quite nasty, honestly, but I'm not here to judge!

Germs are everywhere we go. It's something that's hard to avoid.

However, when it comes to what we should avoid, hair extensions are on that list!

People don't realize how often they may sweat under their extensions or how much germs and build-up are under there as well.

Then, if you turn around and share it, you pass along all those germs to another person.

Now, there are some cases where sharing glueless wigs or clip-ins is okay, and that's in the beauty industry.

When there are models taking pictures all day posing, they have to have different looks and props are also needed.

Wigs and clip-ins are very quick to install and wouldn't cause such issues.

The models may only wear their clip-ins for 20 minutes or less before the next girl needs them.

So unless you have a gig that you need to perform at and you need to use your sister's clip-ins, don't ever share extensions on a regular basis.

Holding Several Malaysian Body Wave Bundles

Rule Book

Now, when it comes to hair extensions, you should be more educated on what you're really not to do with hair extensions.

No, the above list isn't something that is mandatory or that you have to live by; however, if followed, it will give you excellent results.

Nobody really knows what you should or shouldn't do with hair extensions because, honestly, everyone lives how they want to live. 🤷🏿‍♀️

Like most things in life, it doesn't come with a handbook. But that doesn't mean you should put your health in jeopardy or damage your hair in the process.

As I mentioned earlier, hair extensions are usually pricey, but understanding many alternative solutions will ensure you get the most significant benefit from your hair extensions!

Are you a rebel when it comes to hair extensions?

Know some Facts and Myths about Extensions!

Do you do things to your extensions that you probably shouldn't do? Let me know what they are in the comment section below!

Get your extensions from the best hair store in Atlanta.

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