Maintenance and Care for Your 4x4 Lace Closure: Daily Care Routine

Mikey Moran

A 4x4 closure is one of the most versatile hair closures you can use to close off a hairstyle.

This is because it looks realistic and offers enough coverage to keep your natural hair under wraps. 

There are many benefits to using this type of closure, such as its hair strands being hand-knotted so you can part your hair in various ways.

Aligning it with your natural hairline will fool everyone into thinking it’s part of your hair. 

But to ensure your 4x4 Lace Closure keeps serving you and making you look good, you need to know how to care for it. Here’s your ultimate guide. 

Malaysian Body Wave 4x4 Transparent Closure Hair

How Do You Take Care of a Closure?

If you’re wondering, “How long does a lace closure last?”

You’re looking at several months, if not more.

The length of its lifespan depends on you: with the proper care, you can rock it for up to a year and prevent it from shedding or losing quality. 

Follow these tips and hacks to keep your 4*4 closure strong and looking good avoiding 4x4 closures common mistakes.

Avoid Plucking Your Lace Closure Yourself

Some hairpieces and wigs come with a pre-plucked hairline.

This means some baby hairs have been removed to make the hairline look more realistic. Although you can pluck these hairs, it’s not a good idea. Learn how to customize your 4x4 closure first.

Even if you know what you’re doing, you could easily overpluck them or do the plucking incorrectly, resulting in weaker hair and weave shedding. Instead, choose a pre-plucked Body Wave 4x4 HD Closure from Private Label. These have been professionally plucked to maintain a high-quality level. 

Switch to a New Shampoo

4 by 4 closures can be made with various types of lace, and Private Label provides closures made with standard lace, transparent lace closures, or HD lace closures, depending on your needs. All lace is delicate, so you have to treat it gently.  Don’t risk using your regular shampoo on a lace closure.

The shampoo must be as gentle as possible with sulfate-free ingredients to keep the hair in excellent condition. This will also keep the closure’s natural hair shiny.  To wash your closure, place it in a sink filled with cool water for 10 minutes to loosen any dirt.

Then, gently massage shampoo into the hair strands with your fingers. Rinse it well. 

Another tip you can use when cleaning your 4x4 closure is to mix shampoo and warm water in a spray bottle so you can spray the hair.

Make sure you rinse the closure to remove any excess shampoo. This is a convenient way to wash your closure when you’re traveling. 

Jerry Curl 4x4 Transparent Closure Lace

Give it Some Conditioning Treatments

Just like you want to condition your natural hair to keep it hydrated, you must treat your 4x4 lace closure similarly.

Please condition it whenever you wash it. Leave the conditioner for about 10 minutes, then rinse it well. If the hair looks heavy or limp, there’s still too much product, so give it another good rinse. 

Clean its Lace with Rubbing Alcohol

It’s not just the closure hair you must wash, but it is lace material, too. This can quickly become dirty or grimy, mainly if you use makeup on the lace to match your scalp better. So, you want to clean it.

You should do this carefully and gently because too much rubbing can damage the delicate lace. 

A clever hack to remove makeup and other dirt without damaging the delicate lace is to use a Q-tip dipped in some rubbing alcohol.

Gently press the wet Q-tip onto the makeup without aggressively rubbing it. You’ll pick up the dirt by dabbing it without weakening the fragile material. 

Comb It Up and Down

When combing your 4x4 closure, you want to hold it with one hand and carefully comb it so that you work the comb through the hair all the way to the tips and then comb it up.

It sounds weird, but you can also place the roots between your teeth when you brush the hair so you don’t tug or pull it too much - you don’t want to cause strands to get ripped out. When brushing your lace closure upward, be sure to stay away from the lace trim to prevent damage. 

And learn these Closures Repairing Methods if any damage occurred.

Jerry Curl 4x4 Transparent Closure Hair

Store It with a Scarf

Although you might’ve heard you can store your closure in a plastic bag, don’t do this! It will promote moisture and mildew growth, which you don’t want! Instead, keep it in a cool, dry place.

An intelligent way to store your 4x4 closure is to wrap it in a silk scarf or a silky hair extensions bag to prevent frizz and tangles. The key is to treat your closure like it’s made of the finest gold! 

What to Do When Your Closure Starts to Lift

You want your lace closure to stay flat on your hair to look natural, but sometimes it can start to lift. You can get it back down by spraying some hairspray onto the lace. 

Avoid spraying the hairspray directly onto the hair, as this will weigh down the strands. After applying the hairspray, gently press the closure and blast it with a blow dryer on cool air to keep it flat. You can do this regularly to flatten your closure nicely. 

How to Fix Holes in Your Lace

To extend the lifespan of your 4x4 closure, you can fix any holes or tears in the lace yourself, as long as you do this as soon as you spot them so they don’t get too large.

By fixing them ASAP, you’ll also prevent hair shedding.

To get started, you’ll need a curved needle and cotton thread.

Tie the cotton thread once at the bottom—don’t make a double knot, as this will make it bulky. Since the lace is delicate, you want to pull the thread through the spot where the tear has started, not too far from it, or you risk enlarging the hole.

Take your time so you don’t cause new tears in the material. Once it’s sewn up, tie a knot on the thread and cut it off. 

Then, heat a hot comb and place it on the place where you’ve used the thread. This is a crucial step in sealing the cotton and creating a more seamless appearance with the closure lace. Gently dab the hot comb onto the cotton, being mindful not to burn the lace! 

Malaysian Body Wave 4x4 Transparent Closure Lace

4x4 Closures Are Easy to Maintain with Some Fuss-Free Tips

If you’ve been wearing a 4x4 closure for a while, it might need some TLC to look flawless again. You can breathe new life into it by giving it a good clean with gentle shampoo, a conditioning treatment, or sewing up any holes in its lace construction.

Check the silky texture of the gorgeous Malaysian Straight 4x4 Closure and feel the bliss of the human hair!

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