how to start a hair business

How to Start a Hair Business for $100 or Less!

I know what you're thinking. 

It's impossible to start a hair business for under $100!


The good news is that it's totally possible and we have clients doing this every day. It's really not even that hard to do if you follow the steps in the video below and know that instead of putting in money, you will need to put in hard work and a lot of time.

Hey, you can't have the best of both worlds when it comes to business. 

Mikey from Private Label shares his tips on how to get your hair business started for under $100 in this 25-minute video. Yes, we did say 25 minutes so make sure you grab a glass of wine, pen, pad, and get ready to take notes!




Ready to get started?

In the video, I talk about the three stages of getting your hair business started on a budget.

  1. The necessary items you need to pay for to get your hair business up and running but still look professional.
  2. The free things you can do for your hair business to not only get it started but also help with marketing.
  3. The optional paid tools, services, or marketing ideas for your hair business to take it to the next level when launching or just be a little better when marketing.

Necessary Items you need to Purchase

There is just no way around these if you want to look professional!

Register your domain name $15 (GoDaddy)

Having a professional domain name is where you will put your website. Selling on social media can work but, you need a home for your business. This will be your website.

Professional Email Address $5 (Google Workspace)

I don't know why more small business owners don't get a professional email for their business. Imagine if you placed an order for some body wave hair extensions on Private Label and you got an email from instead of orders@privatelabelextensions.

Sign up for Shopify $29.99 (Shopify)

There are many different E-commerce platforms out there but, Shopify is simply the best. They have great customer service, features and is relatively easy to use. As a matter of fact, you are on a Shopify website right now reading this!

Pro Tip - GoDaddy often has coupons for their domain names. Just give Google a search for "GoDaddy Coupons," and you could get your domain name as low as $0.99.


Free Things To Start & Market Your Hair Business

If you follow these steps, you will get a whole lot closer to getting your hair business off the ground. And if you don't have a big budget, then this is really for you!

Sell hair with unlimited inventory using the Dropship Beauty Shopify App (Dropship Beauty)

If you are interested in selling Bundles, Wigs, Closures, Frontals, and all the other items you see on Private Label Extensions then you could probably imagine how much it would cost to have all this inventory. Right?

This is where Dropshipping comes in. The Dropship Beauty App will make setting up your hair store easy. You install the app and then import the products into your store. You can buy at the dropshipping price, sell at the retail price and, keep the profit. 

You set your own prices, choose what you want to sell, and don't ever have to worry about shipping a package. Sounds amazing? Yeah, we built that app too!

Fearless Beauty Book

Sign Up and Register Social Media Accounts

This one is super easy! Make sure you sign up or create pages on all the social media platforms. The social platforms includes Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, and everything else.

It shouldn't take long to do and won't cost you a thing. If you want to keep notification emails separate, make sure to use your new email address to register the accounts that require an email.

Write Blog Posts about Your Products, Services, and Business

Blogging takes some time, but hey, at least it's free! 

Blogging is excellent for your business. What you are reading is a blog post that's helping our clients. Hopefully, even you. That's great, right?

The first thing you are thinking is... "But I don't know what to write about!"

Yeah, I get it. Writing isn't easy if you are not a writer. Heck, I barely passed English classes in High School, and I am doing it. Well, so can you!

I generally recommend starting with what you know. I am writing about starting a hair business because that is what I am an expert at. I will leave the "how to color hair extensions" up to my stylist writers!

Use the Free Shopify Email Marketing Tool

In 2020, Shopify launched its own email marketing service within its platform. It's not as advanced as some of the high-tech email tools but hey, you can get started for free!

Some of the free tools are more basic than the advanced tools that cost a lot of money. But you know what? They are often a lot easier to use. If you are just getting started in selling online, then this is all you need.

Shopify Email
Set up your credit card processing - Shop Pay & PayPal

It's crucial you have a way to collect payments on your website. If you are using Shopify, it's easy to do so by setting up a Shop Pay account. 

Setting it up is really easy. You go to Settings --> Payments and then enter in your banking information. They might ask for some additional information from you via Email to make sure you are legit. This follow-up is common as you are taking people's money over the internet and they need to reduce fraud!

Also, start building your relationship with PayPal. Shoppers love and trust PayPal. You might see some social media posts about how horrible they are and how they hold their money. This breakdown is happening because they haven't learned how to build a good relationship with them. If you want to learn more about this subject, check out my video about Processing Payments for Hair Extensions.

Add the Facebook Pixel to Your Website

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code added to your website and lets Facebook track everything a website visitor does on your website.

I could go on forever about how amazing this is because you can create highly targeted ad campaigns once you have the budget to do so. This type of paid advertising is way bigger than just boosting a post. 

It only takes a minute to create a Facebook Pixel after you have made a Facebook Business Page for your brand. Once you have the pixel number you can copy/paste it in your Shopify Store by going to: Sales Channels --> Online Store --> Preferences

Don't wait on this! Facebook will start building a custom client base profile based on your visitors. It will make advertising much easier when you are ready.

Create YouTube Videos for Your Brand

Creating video content should include tutorials, product videos, how-to videos and, more!

If you don't know about styling or coloring hair, then partner up with a local hairstylist. You might be able to get some photos of your brand at the same time.

Like blogging, start with the topics you know about and can share this information with your clients. YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google. Make sure you use it!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Optimize your product pages and descriptions (title tag & meta description), write blog posts that link to your products, get other websites to link to yours, and the list goes on.

SEO is a long-term project, and you should acquire some basic knowledge on the subject. There is nothing better than free traffic from Google!

Here is our Meta Description and Meta Title for the Brazilian Body Wave Bundle Deals.

Body Wave Bundle Deal

Design a Logo on Canva or PicMonkey

We are huge fans of both online design programs Canva and PicMonkey. They make it easy to create great graphics and logos. 

I generally advise keeping your logo clean and straightforward without too many graphics. This design strategy makes it easier to remember as well as place on websites, print on t-shirts, and much more. 

If you want to invest a little more for a logo, which is something very important, make sure you check out the Logo Design Service on Private Label Branding. Our sister company is dedicated to branding your hair business.

Design graphics for your social media using Canva

Yes, Canva again! It's really a tool you need to learn. I use it almost every day!

Canva has thousands of design templates for your social media and for any other design project. This makes it so easy to create professional-looking graphics quickly.

Optional Paid Tools, Service, or Marketing Ideas

If you have the budget, pick a few of these to have a better-looking brand or increase your marketing exposure.

Branding Items or Labels (Private Label Branding

Do you want to make a memorable first impression when your products arrive at your customer?

Yes, this can go a long way when calculating the perceived value of a product. Private Label Branding is the place to find everything to make your brand look better. 

The custom printed hair extension bags have been a massive hit for years. The bundle tags also add a very luxury appeal to a bundle. 

If you have the budget for a little extra, then consider some custom branding.

Advanced Email Marketing System

Our favorite email system is Klaviyo. It has a learning curve but can help you get more sales with automated follow-up emails and advanced tools.

Once you start getting a lot of subscribers, the cost of this can begin increasing rapidly. Don't let that scare you away! The return on investment is fantastic with this program once set up correctly.


Setup SMS Marketing

There are a host of SMS (text marketing) tools that integrate with Shopify. Text Messaging is a very powerful tool for recovering abandoned carts, promotional campaigns for sales, and staying in touch with your customers.

Unlike Email, you never miss a text message. The open rate is what makes it so popular with marketers. 

So what's the catch? It can get expensive. Texting usually costs about .02 per message. To send to a list of 10,000 people would cost $200 to send that one message. So, if you are going to do it, make sure it's a good one!

Paying for Facebook and Instagram Ads

Remember earlier in this article, I talked about the Facebook Pixel? Well, this is where that comes into play.

You will want to create your audiences based on your visitors and then create an ad campaign targeted towards those people. I highly suggest starting with retargeted ads. The return on investment is excellent.

Also, don't spend too hot out of the gate. Give Facebook some time to learn from your audience. Spending just $5 a day can go a long way!

Print / Hand Out Business Cards

Yeah, this is an old school approach!

In a recent episode of Hair Biz Radio, I was talking about a client that has a Sample Kit clipped to her purse. She walks around everywhere with it and a woman will approach her all day to ask her about the hair. 

The client talks to the potential customer all about the hair shows the different texture styles, and never forgets to hand out a business card. The result? A lot of extra sales in a month.

Want to win in business? Be creative!

Hire an Influencer

Influencer marketing is big. Really big!

Some brands, like GymShark, have been built completely off influencer marketing.

Beauty Clout is an easy way to hire an influencer to promote your product. If you need to instantly hire an influencer, check out their Gigs Feature that works similar to Fiverr. 

You don't need someone with a million followers to promote your brand and reach success. As a matter of fact, you probably couldn't afford it and I can't either. Start with influencers with a following around 5k - 15k and get more targeted results. 

Beauty Clout

Do a product Giveaway on Instagram

Giveaways still work! 

There are many different types of giveaway campaigns you can run to increase your brand awareness, following, and hopefully sales.

I would recommend having tasks like the Facebook Retargeting setup first before running a giveaway that could send cold traffic (people that are not familiar with your brand) to your site. This way, they will continue to see your brand over time with your ads and hopefully make a purchase!

Register your Business as an LLC

Yes, getting your business set up legally is essential. 

It's easy to register for an LLC in your state. This process will help you keep your business finances and personal finances separate.  

Here are the quick steps:

  1. Register your LLC with the State
  2. Sign up for a Tax ID with the IRS
  3. Set up a business bank account

Registering an LLC generally costs around $99. Getting a Tax ID and Business Bank Account is free!

business bank account

Collaborate with a Stylist (Provide Hair) for a Tutorial

I mentioned above how creating content for YouTube and Social Media is really important. Often in our Facebook Group for starting a hair business, I hear that people don't want to be in front of the camera. 

I get it! It's not for everyone!

To get the most out of this strategy, I recommend the following:

  • Capture as much photo/video as possible
  • Get the stylist to tag your business in photos
  • Make sure the model posts pics and tags your business
  • Post the video on YouTube and IG TV (I am guessing it's over 1 min)

Not all stylists sell hair. If you find one that doesn't, you could also form a business relationship where you give them a commission for the clients, you send them. The stylist will be happy because they know their client won't bring in junk hair from a beauty supply store. 

Everyone wins!

Buy a Professional Theme for Your Website

The free themes that come with most platforms are enough to get buy when just starting out. But if you want to step up your game, you will want to buy a premium theme. They generally have many more features that will allow you to expand your business and design online.

And if you don't want to worry about any of that then you can always purchase a website that's ready to go from our sister company Dropship Bundles. We have a variety of Shopify Hair Business and WordPress Hair Business website available and will be all set up in about a week.

Buy Samples for Your Business

Remember earlier in this article, I talked about having a sample kit for your business? It works!

Potential customers love to see the different textures of hair so they can make the right decision when choosing their next hairstyle. 

Not everyone can afford one bundle of every style. And this post is all about a budget! As your business continues to grow, you can then consider having more samples of hair. When you are ready, you can order wholesale bundles from our sister website Private Label Wholesale for additional savings.

Selling Hair Extensions is Possible!

Yes, even on a small budget.

 Everything is easier when you have the funds to get more help, design, branding, and the thousand other moving parts of starting and operating a hair business.

The key is to keep your costs low and your motivation high!

Have any questions about getting started? Leave them in the comments below! 


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Thanks for the information about the email with Shopify to help market my business more.

Omari West

I loved this article so much!!! I tried to start my hair company 2 years ago and failed miserably. I did everything backwards and didn’t have ANY information on how to set up my business correctly. This article has helped me to make sure I actually set up my business correctly and it’s a lot easier than me trying to just “wing it”. Thanks Mikey!!!


This is such a great article !

I actually use the drop ship platform for my website through PLE. I remember initially reading this article and it helped answer soooo many questions that I had before I signed up to do dropship beauty with private label extensions. Even when I had questions while they were designing my website for me, they were always quick to respond back to emails, and took the time to actually educate you on how the platform worked. But as I mentioned above if you take the time to read this article it pretty much answers all the questions you didn’t even know you had in mind.

I still use this platform, and even though I’ve tweaked my website a little bit, it takes the stress off of you as a business owner knowing that when a customer placed an order on your site, all you have to do is go in to recreate the order and PLE takes care of the shipping process for you. AND you still make profit without having to worry about going to the post office to drop their items off. Not to mention the tracking number is added to the order and automatically sent to them as well. TALK ABOUT EASY. I love this program and wouldn’t trade it for nothing in the world.

If you’re not apart of Mikey’s FB group for PLE you don’t know what you’re missing out on. His time goes live occasionally educating us on how to market successfully and sell our products.

You will not be disappointed joining this platform

Shakira Anderson

This blog post solidified my decision to start my own hair extension company, N’Finite Glam Collection. Great information and very informative!

Nyresha Shields

This is some great FREE information! Love this company! I started my company using Shopify and dropshipping and the rest of the tips in this article. And social media is literally the best marketing tool to invest in. Thanks for the free game!

Shaniyah Young

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