How to Apply Lash Strips

Lash Strips Life: How to Wear False Lashes

Mikey Moran

I cannot remember the exact day that I fell in love with the idea of wearing lash strips. It had to be sometime between my discovery of the thick band 3D Mink Grace Lash, and the 3D thinline lashes like the Milan lash in Private Label Extensions assortment.

That’s when I realized that I could master the wide-eyed doe look without applying multiple coats of waterproof mascara.

However, it still took months for me to commit to purchasing a set of mink lashes because the thought process behind attaching them to my upper lid was too intimidating.

So, I did what I always do before I take the first step with anything, I researched and experimented with every aspect of how to apply eyelashes.

Trial after trial, I styled and maneuvered the composition of different faux lash strips. Now I am sharing the gems that I’ve gathered!

Because let’s face it, whether you are a veteran in the false eyelash game or a beginner struggling with how to put on 3D Thinline Lashes, if I can save you from losing an eyelash strip before the end of a date night or your big work presentation then I have done some good in the world!

Keep reading to find out how you can find the right lash application technique and style for you!💅🏾

Yellow lashes and blue lipstick female model

Take Note of Your Eye Shape

Not all eyes shapes were created equal! Meaning that although we purchase most faux lash strips in a case that caters to the perfect almond eye, this shape is useless for most people.

Because of that, you need to know your eye shape so that you can reform your lash strips to frame your eyelid.

Take note of some of the most common eye shapes below:

Almond Eyes:

Think Janet Jackson and Cleopatra.

If you look straight into the mirror and you realize that a part of your iris disappears under your eyelid, then your eyes are almond shaped.

You can also just use an actual almond to reference your eye shape.

Protruding Eyes:

Think Mya and Nicole Richie.

If your eyelids look like they are protruding out of your eye socket or there is a slight bulge around your eyelid, then this is your eye shape.

You should keep in mind that volume on your top lid is an asset!

Downturned Eyes:

Consider Eva Longoria and Katy Perry.

If the outer corners of your eyes drop down slightly and you are consistently able to pull off a sultry cat eye, then this is your eye shape.

Upturned Eyes:

Think Angelina Jolie and Tiffany Hines.

If your eyes appear to be the exact opposite of its counterpart the downturned eye; your outer corner will seem to have a slight lift, and your lower lid can sometimes look more significant than your top eyelid.

Close Set Eyes:

This is more Jennifer Aniston. If your eyes appear to be less than one eye length apart, this is you!

Wide Set Eyes:

Think Brandy and Former First Lady, Jackie O. This eye type is the exact opposite of the close-set eyes.

You can prove that you have this eye shape if your eyes are more than one eye length apart.

A plus in regards to this amount of spacing between your eyes is it can help give the illusion of youth.

Nevertheless, if you want to create the illusion of close-set eyes or narrow some of the space between your two eyes, you will have to stack on the lashes closer to your inner eye.

These are only a few eye shapes, but be sure to research and find out your eye shape before practicing these faux eyelash strip application and styling techniques below.

Whether you are sporting lash strips of individuals, you ought to know where to place your lashes and how to finesse the best look for you!

February 25 MM 3D Mink Lashes

Unboxing Lashes Extensions

Removing the 3D Mink Lashes from their case is a very sensitive task! If you rush the job or pull the lashes from the middle of the box outward, you could ruin the inner lash.

Instead, tease the lash out of the box with some plucking tweezers and roll or pull from the outer band of the lash strip.

With the majority of lash strips being too long for the average eye anyway, you can afford to ruin the outer tip of the lash since you are more than likely going to snip that off anyway!

Shape & Measure

Next, wrap the vein of the eyelash around your pinky finger or the body of an eyeliner pencil.

Do this for three to five minutes! This hack will add shape and curl to the body of the lash.

Now the eyelash is not so stiff and straight when you go about applying it to the lash.

Sidebar: If you have ever wonder why the outer and inner corners of your lashes always seem to pop up at the most inopportune time, it is because you missed this step.

Finally, take the lash and measure its length against your upper lid. Use this time to rid yourself of any excess lashes that do not fit on your eyelid.

Cut the lashes off of the strip by cutting through the vein of the lash from the outside. Be careful not to cut off the lashes you need.

March 25 MM 3D Mink Lashes

How to Apply Lash Strips

Now that we’ve got the basics of shaping and measuring down, here is the fun part: application and customization!

Because the lashes are a foreign object that you are placing on your natural lashes you may want to coat your natural lashes with some mascara.

Don't worry though, strip lashes are safe.

Doing this will help your lashes support the weight of their new friends, especially if your lashes are naturally thin!

However, I am big on preserving the health of my natural lashes. I did not want to risk drying them out or making them brittle with the use of mascara.

Putting something on top of my natural lashes before applying lash strips just seemed to be a bit too much.

When you are typically going to put on false eyelashes you want to key in on three things:

1. You want to ensure that you use a thin line of Lash Paste Liner on the eyelash band. No one wants to glue their eyelids shut because globs of glue escaped the applicator.

2. After applying the glue to your lash, wait 30 seconds for the glue to get tacky before try to administer it to your lash.

However, it is not sanitary to blow on the lash. You could transfer germs from your mouth to your eye and this begging for an infection and lashes allergies.

3. It is easiest to apply the false lash strip where the bulk of your lashes rest, in the center of the eyelid.

Then adhere the outer or inner edge of the false lash to your natural lash.

Keep these three things in mind and use these styles tips below to cater to your eye type and wear your lashes the right way!

July 25 MM 3D Mink Lashes

Style Tip #1

For all of the ladies with downturned or close-set eyes, this style tip is for you! Once you have unboxed, shaped, and measured your lash strip cut each of your lashes in half.

Then take the equivalent of one lash and separate it into two pieces.

You can apply one half to the outer lash line of your left eye and one half to the outer lash line of your right eye.

This style tip helps you to lift the outer edges of your eyes by creating a cat eye effect while still giving you natural looking volume and length on your lashes.

It also makes for a more comfortable application, and not to mention, you are getting double the wears out of one set of lash strips.

You can use this same tactic if you have wide-set eyes.

Reverse it!

Remember, you need to create the illusion of less space between your eyes. Do this by adding a single lash half to the top of your inner eyelash line.

You can go as close to the tear duct as you would like because that narrows the space between the two eyes.

Style Tip #2

If you happen to have almond shaped eyes, you can easily apply you lash strip center first and then smooth the lash strip onto your inner eye.

When you begin to smooth the faux lash over your outer lid, go slightly above your natural lash line, and it will create a slight lift!

Afro curly hair female model with yellow eyeliner holding flowers

Style Tip #3

As women, we all want to look good, but we also tend to stray away from being run of the mill and regular shmegular degular.

So even though most faux lash strips are pre-made and every drug store carries the same ten lash styles, you can make your very own custom set of lash strips by stacking the lashes on top of each other.

Follow these steps below:

Step 1.

  • Grab a thick band of lashes that speaks to your inner diva, and a thin band of lashes that speaks to you the corporate powerhouse inside you.
  • After shaping and measuring each set of lashes place them back in their lash case but keep your lash glue handy!

Step 2.

  • Turn to your thick band of lash strips and line the band with a thin layer of lash glue or hair glue and let it sit for about thirty seconds.
  • Remember, this wait time is crucial for a tacky base!

Step 3.

  • Then pull your thick band lashes from the case and place each lash on top of its respective thick band counterpart!
  • When it sticks, you can rest assured that these two lashes have become one and created a beautiful lash strip!
  • To ensure that neither lash goes anywhere you can add a little glue to the outer edges of the top lash band.
  • There you go, now you are officially stacked!
  • This method is perfect for anyone who likes full top lashes or has that protruding eye shape mentioned earlier. It will bring the attention up and widen your eyes.

Feel free to stack three pairs together as well and recreate a Kardashian look.

September 25 MM 3D Mink Lashes

Style Tip #4

The last style tip I want to share is for those who may be a little more coin conscious.

I know that getting and installing individuals can be a bit of an expensive inconvenience because artificial eyelash prices are ridiculous.

However, if you are comfortable with your lash strip and you find yourself working with them pretty well, you can create individual lashes.

Do this by using your laser vision to zoom in on the clusters apparent on each lash strip.

Then separate each group of lashes by cutting at the vein of the lash.

Apply each cluster throughout your natural eyelash line to create a more natural layered effect and add volume where you feel you need it the most.

November 25 MM 3D Mink Lashes

Lash Strips Removal

When you're over your lashes and ready to give your natural eyelashes a break use a cotton ball and coconut oil to loosen the eyelash strip’s adhesive and, voila, you now know how to remove false eyelashes.

It is also vital that you wash your false lashes, you can use a simple mix of warm soapy water to disinfect them, and a tweezer to pull the excess glue for the eyelash band.

These methods of sanitation will keep them in good condition for your next wear!

Black short hair female model lifting up her eyebrows smiling

Living in Lashes

I have had a lot of fun experimenting in the world of mink lash strips thanks to the Private Label lashes assortments.

Unfortunately, I was unable to participate for a while because of a severe latex allergy, but when I finally found the glue that was perfect for me, I fell in love with the idea of creating new looks with new lashes!

I took steps to figure out my eye shape was and how I could style the different lashes in the PLE assortment to widen my eyes and frame my face.👩🏿

I hope you can use some of this advice to ease into your transition of rocking lashes!

Comment below when you discover your eye shape and the perfect way to style your faux eyelash strips!

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1 comment

Great tips on applying lash strips! How do you choose the right lash style for your eye shape?


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